Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy
Returns & Refunds
- All items ordered are strictly not returnable or refundable.
- Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd may cancel an order if the Product is not available for any reason. Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd shall notify you if this is the case and return any payment that you have made, as agreed in writing and signed by Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd.
- Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd shall refund the money received by using the same method originally used by you to pay for the Product
- Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd shall not accept any cancellation of order for any possible reason, execpt for cases as mentioned in (Cancellation 1)
Faulty Products
- Perfect Companion (M) Sdn Bhd warrant that
- the Product will be delivered undamaged in the quantities ordered; and
- the Product will conform with the manufacturer’s latest published instructions as set out on the Site or in our Product material at the time of your Order.
- should the product received in damaged conditions, please email the proof of photo and shipping note to
- complaints of damaged product should be made within 24 hours upon receiving the item.
- any complaints made after 24 hours upon receiving the item shall not be entertained.